Meeting Customer Needs: T-Mobile's AFS 600 Self-Raising Pole
ARE Telecom was contracted by T-Mobile to manufacture and install our AFS 600 ballasted foundation system and tilt-up self raising pole to support communication antennas.

The need
T-Mobile needed to install a microwave antenna on a 18 m pole in a local parking lot. ARE’s AFS 600 allowed T-Mobile to have a permanent or temporary foundation with a 18 m self-raising pole that is assembled by 2 people. This system allowed for the antennas to be installed on the ground and be raised without use of a crane.
Thanks to ARE Telecom’s expertise and innovative solutions, T-Mobile was able to significantly improve the reliability and performance of its telecommunication infrastructure. T-Mobile was able to meet their customers’ needs and deploy an ARE system quickly, that can remain on site permanently if needed, or disassembled and removed in 1 day.
Project Benchmarks
Crew flexibility and equipment availability allowing for installation under time constraints
Above ground foundation required no digging
Fast to install-tanks and truss arms were pre-assembled before shipping
Permanent or temporary
Project Resources
3-man crew
1 day
ARE 20T hydraulic rams/12v vehicle battery power unit
Limited space and access
Quickly deployed
Pavement base

Registration number: 50103005351
Adress: Spilves street 18, Riga, LV 1055, Latvia
Bank: OP Corporate Bank plc Latvia
Bank account number.: LV82OKOY0005100035077